From APIs to CSS: The most important topics of the TYPO3 Developer Days 2024
| TYPO3 | Estimated reading time : min.The TYPO3 Developer Days 2024 will take place from August 1 to 3 in Karlsruhe and offer an inspiring mix of presentations. The first day will start with a keynote by Benni Mack and will cover topics…
Successfully asking questions in forums: Best Practices
| Allgemein | Estimated reading time : min.Forums are worth their weight in gold when it comes to finding quick solutions to technical problems. But how do you make sure that your question actually provides helpful answers? Let's talk about…
Using TYPO3 and ignoring the community? A serious mistake!
| TYPO3 | Estimated reading time : min.Imagine being in a room full of people who all have the same goal: taking their TYPO3 projects to the next level. Some of these people are true experts, while others may be just starting out, but they…
Ermäßigungen für Non-Profits: OpenAI fördert den Einsatz von KI
| Künstliche Intelligenz | Estimated reading time : min.OpenAI startet eine bedeutende Initiative, um Non-Profit-Organisationen den Zugang zu ihren leistungsstarken Tools zu erleichtern. Mit dem neuen Programm "OpenAI for Nonprofits" können gemeinnützige…
Warum Social Media ohne Website eine Zeitbombe für dein Unternehmen ist
| Allgemein | Estimated reading time : min. -
Automatisierte Datenbank-Backups per Bash-Skript
| Web Development | Estimated reading time : min.Regelmäßige Backups deiner Datenbanken sind entscheidend, um Datenverlust zu vermeiden und eine schnelle Wiederherstellung zu ermöglichen. Hier zeige ich dir, wie du mit einem einfachen Bash-Skript…
TYPO3camp Munich 2024: Dates and ticket information
| TYPO3 | Estimated reading time : min.TYPO3camp Munich opens its doors again! From September 13 to 15, 2024, TYPO3 developers, integrators and enthusiasts will meet in the heart of Munich to exchange ideas, learn new things and have a…