TYPO3 lernen – Antworten auf häufige Fragen und wie du dir Zeit sparen kannst
| TYPO3 | Estimated reading time : min.Wenn du gerade dabei bist, TYPO3 zu lernen, bist du sicher schon auf Fragen gestoßen, die immer wieder auftauchen. Das ist ganz normal, denn TYPO3 ist ein unglaublich flexibles und leistungsstarkes…
Knowledge, collaboration and integrity: what is really important to me
| Allgemein | Estimated reading time : min.Sometimes I wonder if the people who take my courses know what truly matters to me. Maybe you’ve asked yourself the same question: What drives the guy who constantly talks about TYPO3, web…
After 15 years on Twitter: A farewell that's not easy for me – but necessary.
| Allgemein | Estimated reading time : min.Twitter was my introduction to the world of social media back in April 2009. The TYPO3 community was very active on the platform at that time. At events like TYPO3Camps, it was common to include your…
TYPO3 ohne Umwege: Dein klarer Weg vom Einsteiger zum Integrator
| TYPO3 | Estimated reading time : min.TYPO3 ist bekannt für seine Flexibilität und Leistungsfähigkeit – aber genau das macht den Einstieg oft zu einer echten Herausforderung. Gerade als Selbstständiger oder Freelancer hast du…
Version numbers in TYPO3 and extensions: Your shortcut to better planning
| TYPO3 | Estimated reading time : min.Have you ever sat in front of a TYPO3 update and wondered what to expect? Whether everything will run smoothly or whether half of your website will suddenly stop working? This is exactly where version…
Why are namespace definitions important in TYPO3 Fluid Templates?
| TYPO3 | Estimated reading time : min.Namespace definitions in TYPO3 Fluid templates are more than just a formality. They offer you valuable support during development, make work in your IDE easier and ensure clean, maintainable code. But…
Why good texts are essential for the self-employed (and how you can improve them)
| Allgemein | Estimated reading time : min.Have you ever not received an order because the customer didn't understand your offer properly? Or your website was visited, but nobody contacted you? Then you know the problem: it's not enough for…