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Mein kleiner Rückblick auf die TYPO3 Developer Days 2024

Mein kleiner Rückblick auf die TYPO3 Developer Days 2024

| TYPO3 | Temps de lecture estimé : min.

From August 1 to 3, 2024 I was again at the TYPO3 Developer Days in Karlsruhe.

I had the pleasure of leading a workshop the day before. The focus was on the new techniques and methods that await us TYPO3 integrators in version 13. The new site sets feature and the PAGEVIEW cObject were particularly exciting. Of course, we also took a look at the latest developments in content blocks.

A huge thank you goes to Eric Harrer, who supported me during the workshop and helped the participants with problems on their computers.

I'm not going to list every single session I attended. You can find the full session schedule and details of the sessions and speakers here.

But I will at least briefly mention the three sessions that I enjoyed the most.

Settings and Configuration Management by Benjamin Franzke

For me, site sets are one of the real killer features of the upcoming version 13. Benjamin showed the current status, explained what exactly site sets are and also gave an outlook on what is still planned.

Our quest for ACL improvements in TYPO3 Core by Tomasz Woldański

Creating backend user groups and users has always been quite time-consuming. A lot will change in the upcoming version 13. And a lot is also planned for the future, some of which will come in version 13 or at the latest with version 14 (keyword: Deployable User Configurations).

Navigating uncharted waters: Quick TYPO3 adoption in a new market by Fjora Hodo

How much can happen in 4 years in a small country where TYPO3 is still completely unknown?

Answer: A lot!
Fjora and her colleague Nadja Neb from the Albanian agency Contenance shared their journey from "What the heck is TYPO3?" to an active developer community and their active participation in the TYPO3 community in this entertaining talk. Very cool!

There were of course many more interesting talks, but that would go beyond the scope here. Under the link you will find notes and further links to many sessions, also in the Slack channel of the DevDays at you can find some information.

By the way, the next TYPO3 Developer Days will take place again in Karlsruhe from August 7 to 9, 2025. It's best to block this date in your calendar right away.

PS: This article was 100% written by a human, but translated from German to English with AI. ;)


Qui écrit ici ?

Salut, je m'appelle Wolfgang.

Depuis 2006, je me plonge profondément dans le monde fascinant de TYPO3 - ce n'est pas seulement mon métier, c'est aussi ma passion. Mon parcours m'a conduit à travers d'innombrables projets et j'ai créé des centaines de guides vidéo professionnels axés sur TYPO3 et ses extensions. J'aime démêler les sujets complexes et les transformer en concepts faciles à comprendre, ce qui se reflète également dans mes formations et mes séminaires.

En tant que membre actif du TYPO3 Education Committee, je m'engage à ce que les questions d'examen pour le TYPO3 CMS Certified Integrator restent toujours actuelles et stimulantes. Depuis janvier 2024, je suis fier d'être partenaire officiel de TYPO3 Consultant!

Mais ma passion ne s'arrête pas à l'écran. Quand je ne suis pas en train de plonger dans les profondeurs de TYPO3, tu me trouves souvent sur mon vélo en train d'explorer les chemins pittoresques du lac de Constance. Ces excursions en plein air sont mon équilibre parfait - elles me permettent de garder l'esprit frais et me donnent toujours de nouvelles idées.

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